Love as we know here in our limited capacities as we volunteer into this human experience, serves as the greatest, most powerful catalyst towards soul evolution. Love is the most powerful motivating force in the universe. That’s why when we “fall”, or better yet, “Rise in Love” we feel intoxicated by the high states in which that frequency vibration delivers us before our shadow material comes into play. The unparalleled appeal and lure of that wonderfully rare intoxication that is so extraordinary is what motivates us to work on ourselves and to muster the courage to bring our darkness into the light. It is that subliminal promise of someday being able to sustain those higher states along our evolutionary path that gives us the strength necessary to endure the gauntlet of purification toward a more enduring and enchanted Love.
One of the primary awakenings a person can have is that which reveals a window to see ourselves as souls venturing into this wonderful experiment called Love. We gain greater perspective and joy when we learn to navigate through relationships and life with investigative soul-eyes. We then see everything that presents itself as another chance to get to know ourselves better, make new choices, and take responsibility as co-creators with Spirit while we continue to renew our vows to leave our “helpless victim” perspective behind.
Fierce Love!
Kaliyani ❤️