Sounds like a mouth-full to digest and dare to expound on, and yet, in its deepest core and simplest terms, TRUE love holds the frequency of UNCONDITIONAL positive regard, unwavering TRUTHFULNESS, and the absence of judgment, none of which are simple to master and certainly not for the faint of heart. However, the closer we get to living within these frequencies helped by a good dose of self-awareness – as in self-knowing – the better our chances are to attract a partnership that will fit that wavelength.
This world is one of RESONANCE and the more we awaken to that awareness the more we will be empowered to co-create and manifest all the love and beauty we want to have in our lives; as our dearest Gandhi has dared remind us, we do need to become that which we seek in the world. Some of the qualities that will most align ourselves with the frequency of true love would naturally be those such as honesty, transparency, self-awareness, self-acceptance, self-love, courage, the ability for intimacy, vulnerability, authenticity, a love of service, and an open and compassionate heart.
There truly is nothing more attractive in an encounter than meeting an authentic, self-aware, self-accepting, truthful, and transparently honest being with a bright smile that reflects that inner peace and confidence that is present only in those who have braved going within to sort the truth from the illusion, face their shadow, uncover their light and open to the love and the sheer divine miracle that they really are.
Fierce Love!
Kaliyani ❤️