Consciousness has been defined in as many ways as we have attempted to define love, and no matter in how many intricate ways we try to define the undefinable, I always come back to the deep realization that aside from LOVE, which can be the one-in-all encompassing consciousness, TRUTH is the closest value that an elevated consciousness state commands. However, truth is not always comfortable knowing due to our limiting perceptions, most of which have been handed down from an outdated establishment of belief systems that no longer serve us.
Our role as seekers of this consciousness are to commit to allowing the fire of truth to burn the old distorted files no matter how uncomfortable it may feel and let it purify us and expand us into the Universal Human we are evolving into. The willingness to pass through this gauntlet of truth, be it in knowing the self or realizing the self as the other and arriving at our true essential non-dual nature is the hallmark of a truly awakened humanity.
Fierce Love!
Kaliyani ❤️