…So relationships should support our growth. We should be with somebody who would reinforce that growth, who would have that desire to expand and to evolve in common with us, and we can help mutually support each other in our growth. Really though, beyond this state of expansion and enlightenment, there are higher states of development still, called ‘God consciousness’, or ‘glorified cosmic consciousness’. And there, the growth isn’t so much the expansion of mind, the expansion of self, but the expansion of the heart. So that the ultimate perception – the refinement of perception, refinement, and flow of emotion, the ultimate richness in experience – that’s the result of higher states of consciousness.
Now when you have someone to love, the act of loving refines our perception. It expands the heart so that it flows, and we perceive the depth and true essence of everyone and everything – that’s love. So love is actually a tool to evolve from mere enlightenment, or nirvana, to higher states of consciousness like God consciousness, glorified cosmic consciousness.
So to summarize, to have a partner, a relationship should be supportive of our growth to enlightenment. But beyond mere enlightenment, to really glorify higher states of consciousness, the act of loving and of sharing is an actual tool to accelerate that growth by allowing the heart to flow, the heart to melt, and perception to refine, until the celestial, the ultimate, the divine is visible, is perceived in one’s partner, but ultimately in everything and everyone.
Fierce Love!
Kaliyani ❤️