Into Me You See—In the Flow of True IN.TI.MA.CY


True intimacy is a frequency state that signals the presence of truth, honesty, and transparency between two individuals. It is felt as a profound sense of connection between lovers or friends and it is only possible when we know who we are and we allow ourselves to be known/seen under clear light. Intimacy is present when in the acceptance of ourselves we feel received and accepted by the other. Our ego defenses are no longer needed and any and all masks are dropped. Authenticity and a comfortable sense of vulnerability and transparency are the hallmarks of true intimacy. Differently than many may think, Intimacy is not of the body, in fact, intimacy is an aspect of the soul. It demands courage, but the rewards of living a soulful life are innumerable and immeasurable. However, many of us have felt at times challenged by these ideas because they are so threatening to the ego.

Our fears of being seen for who we really are stem from not only a misperception of ourselves but also from an underlying system of beliefs that have been long programmed and conditioned subconsciously by cultural, familial, historical as well as personal “shadow material”. Naturally, in order to develop a greater capacity for intimacy, we have to be able to recognize the root cause of our fears and which belief system is creating them. Further, it is necessary to replace those beliefs with more accurate ones reflecting a more current level of consciousness and clarity about reality than the ones that were subconsciously created or passed down unquestioned early in life. Through this process, we are finally able to unblock the channels that will lead us to experience that so-talked-about ecstatic embrace that only true intimacy can bring.

Fierce Love!

Kaliyani ❤️

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