So many of us have for so long been swimming in spiritual platitudes delivered from such faulty foundations that we have become numb to the potency for change they could possess if only we could truly believe once again.
Humanity’s collective is now existing in an extremely delicate and fragile state of conscience, where only very small pockets have survived the numbing, hypnotic, and deleterious hammering down of all the most precious values we once had. The Dark Cloud’s agenda and its plan, I have to confess, for those who really understand it, can see it was quite brilliant.
However, the most potent aspect of their secret has now been exposed, which has precipitated its vulnerability and downfall. Such a secret has been the Co-Opting of all the most sacred and spiritually liberating treasures and ancestral legacies of humankind. This co-optioning was like a virus that used false premises, deceit and treacherously cunning strategies to penetrate, infiltrate and pollute any original and pure intent and knowledge that was empowering people, institutions, or agencies, and corrupting its systems from the inside out until rendering it no longer viable to transmit its original light codes.
Now, even if we were to believe that these forces have been neutralized, we have been left with a mountain of trauma and negative imprints that may take longer time to heal than we may have available before its damaging effects may inflict unimaginable levels of suffering as this Earth planet’s soul continues to evolve into its inevitable next level of ascension. Gaia will, regardless of all the damage inflicted upon Her, ascend, and we need to put a LOT of work into catching up and recovering our hearts and souls’ lost treasures if we are to join Her in her ascension…
But what IS this treasure we must recover?
If I could teach anyone anything… If I could only make anyone understand the importance of one thing; If I had to choose from the immensely broad spectrum of categories and subcategories of semantic groupings of the limited scope of language to define the ultimate and very most important item, quality, function and practice that I wholeheartedly believe could, if not neutralize all the potential future suffering and further damage we may have to undergo, it could at least amortize it by a great extent, it would be nothing else but the simple mastering of something we have come to know as FREQUENCY VIBRATION.
Your frequency is nothing other than the thoughts, beliefs, and emotions rooted in such. As extensions of our Creator/trix Source, we are also CREATORS, and this is the most urgent and precious of treasures we must re-embody fully before we can rise to the frequency of light that is necessary to keep up with this planetary ascension to avoid much unnecessary further suffering of the highest kind.
Back in 2018, following the release of my single track and music video ‘Tears For Inanna’, I was downloaded in dreamtime and other ways with a small glimpse of some events that I could not at the time understand, but that recently, with the help of extraordinary beings and other experiences, they have come into more clear and cohesive focus.
I have been attempting to write a more organized, detailed, and concise version of what and how I have come to this understanding, and yet in the meantime before I leave this platform again for a few more weeks, I felt it was important for me to also leave you with this imprint even if for the sake of my own peace of mind…for even though I would be the first one to apologize if I am wrong, my understanding is that we are running a bit out of time.
So, what is FREQUENCY? How do we measure its positive viability? How can we master it? How do I know if I can produce it correctly?
Well, it’s been long talked about and shared by sages past that it can and most times takes lifetimes to mastery… but mostly because we have been quite distracted… allowing the cheap hypnotic low quality of media entertainment (greatest vehicle and tool of manipulation of the Dark Cloud) of all kinds to tempt us, after all, we thought we had all the time in the world!
The truth is even though we do have all the time in the world, as time is a relative measure, within this Eon’s cycle, time is running short and the consequences will become quite real and felt deeply in this incarnate flesh.
Within this sense of urgency I feel, is an enormous blessing, because if you are like me, I work a lot better when under pressure!
What is it that we must mind then?
Here comes a well-known platitude: Spiritual Practice.
Now, from this new angle, I will bring you to understand that Spiritual Practices have been a legacy gifted from our beloved enlightening ancestral lineages with the single purpose of teaching us how to RAISE our FREQUENCY! It’s that simple. No real agendas originally. There have been many doorways to the divine made for every taste in every different flavor and we have turned against one another for it, but the truth is that it matters not what you choose, all that the compassionate Spirit world asks and wants for us is to learn to cultivate and live within a more pure heart frequency of love and compassion for self and others.

- Your thoughts: The monkey mind.
If you have given up trying to control its wild rampage of untamed primal and emotional reactions, there’s hope! The motto is “If you can’t tame it, replace it with practice”. My suggestion is that you fill your days with high-frequency music, if you like the rare ones with words to which you can sing to, make sure they carry only high-frequency words to it or the pure-frequency instrumental soundscapes can be perfect if they are enough to keep you focused in the positive. Otherwise, sing out loud to magnificently uplifting lyrics as often as you can and especially near the beginning of your day to set its tone. - The Power of Prayer: It does not matter what your religion is, just pray with loving compassion every day and if possible twice a day. Not for yourself, but for the benefit of all (yourself included) but wishing the same to all. If you have no religion or any faith, I would recommend using the most potent possible positive affirmation, a variety of them, many times throughout your day. You can use your favorite existing ones or create your own. Use present tense and don’t ever mention what you don’t want in it. Only what you want and in a language that affirms you already have it. This is too a form of prayer. Don’t forget to include affirmations to the benefit of others and all of humanity. Remember, if the rest of the planet is messed up, you’ll probably have a hard time finding your happiness within it!
- Meditation: All forms of practice are geared toward training our minds to focus on high frequencies and meditation is no different. Many styles are available. Take what works for you. The basic is to breathe in peace and release worry. Be present with what’s real in your conscience, and yet bring yourself to the next best place. Background high-frequency sounds are recommended.
- What are you choosing to believe? Your choice will determine the outcome. In a world so full of fake news and co-optioning I find it easier than ever now to just choose the best outcome and story available or even go into your own bubble and make an even better one and convince yourself of it! Hey! What do you have to lose? Or do still you prefer to continue to stay distracted trying to figure out through oppositional debates the impossible charade that has been placed there in the first place only to create the distraction and the emotional imbalance that would keep you continually lost and unable to practice what matters most?
Inner centeredness, serenity, trust in a brighter future, and compassionate loving thoughts and actions that helps all of us thrive together and not against one another. - Positive uplifting body movement and somatic experiences:
Dance and yoga come first to mind, but jogging, biking, and other forms of movement are also very important as long as the music is playing in the background and the mind is not in rumination mode. - Art: Creating with color, sound, texture, and words can also serve as long as the focus is building upliftment within and out. Dark art I believe has had its place to help us awaken, yet now we better focus on the good as the reverse outcome can exceed in darkness beyond your most dire imagination.
I am not going to go into detail at this time at the nature of the potential unimaginable suffering that I have been made to trust may be approaching us in the potential near future, I only want to empower us in the knowing that if you are feeling the same messages have been reaching you as well, that you are not alone. It is most important now, in these unprecedented times that we recover as fast as we can, our understanding that we are all divine and powerful beings, and our connection to Source, and begin to co-create a new much more outstandingly wonderful existence and start to bring heaven on earth.
We may be running out of time…yes… and yet, simply put, all we truly need is to mind our thoughts… ~*~
Fierce Love!
Kaliyani ❤️