From Shadow to Love

In simplest terms “Shadow Material” is the stuff that we like to keep inside the “closet”. It is the unconscious content that we have protected from others and kept hidden from the light because it is too scary to bring out.  Shadow material includes some of the most difficult things we may yet need to accept about ourselves before we can overcome in order to evolve. Some of them include any type of addiction, compulsions, and all that “negative” side of our personality that we would rather not deal with. Our shadow can be personal as well as collective.

All that which we have been taught to be taboo, or forbidden to talk about either by our family, our religion, or our historical heritage is absorbed as shadow from the collective. All our repressed desires, aspirations, and dreams are also part of our shadow material. It is a most important and yet poorly understood aspect of ourselves, which if we do not understand, accept, and integrate we are doomed to remain a “victim” to its influence on our behavior, feelings, and actions for as long as it will. Our resistance and fear of our own shadow or “dark side” is what keeps us feeling separate, alone, and out of sync with love. Working with our shadow material is so important as it is a clearing of the path to love in all its forms. Shadow work enhances our capacity for self-love and from there expands in all directions as wide and far as we can integrate it and bring it to conscious awareness in order to heal it.

Fierce Love!

Kaliyani ❤️

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