As the wheel of Life within the cycles of time resumes itself, bringing us renewal in all levels, I feel the universe calling us to celebrate the miracle of nature and creation, as we welcome the arrival of yet another Autumnal Equinox.
Before the inception of institutionalized spirituality, our ancestors from a multitude of races, latitudes, and heritages; such as the Native Americans, Incas, Celtics, and many more, experienced a direct connection with the Spiritual universe through their exaltation, and immersion into the wisdom of the stars and the natural world around them.
The purity of this practice lies in the absence of any hidden motives other than the desire to honor with deepest gratitude the marvel that is nature, and how its eternal cycles nurture and sustain all of life.
As a spiritually yet maturing race, we have been taken through many avenues of self-discovery, few which filled us with true inspiration, and many which have led us to the painful realization of our fragility and gullibility, and through to dead-end alleys.
In this postmodern reality, humanity has in ever-growing numbers, found ourselves disconnected and yearning for some way to restore our innocence and reclaim our original inherent connection to the sacred within, and all around us. The way I find this fulfillment is in bringing my community together in nature to share our hearts, our dreams, and our manifestations, to sing, say affirmations, drum, dance, laugh, and take a meditative moment to ponder on the marvel and beauty that surrounds us in this ever-renewing and ever giving the natural world and allow ourselves to feel gratitude for this great blessing we have so often taken for granted… and yet it is a great and precious gift…How do you find ways to fulfill this yearning?
Fierce Love!
Kaliyani ❤️