Waking Up Inside My Dream

Today I woke up feeling the wind of inspiration exalting my being as I burst out of bed enthused by life like a child waking up on a Christmas morning. I felt my way into the Sacred Garden hearing and feeling voiceless messages vibrating into my being, speaking without words about something I could only feel…

Here is my stumbling bard’s feeble attempt to make it into word and art…
…Loving life and the opening of the gifts it brings…

“When I woke up inside my dream this morning, this is how I felt the world: a few frequencies lighter, brighter, more mysterious than ever… Like a glowing seed holding a sacred promise from eons to come and only now about to offer itself into bloom as the tree of life…

When I woke up inside my dream this morning, I felt re-birthed for the millionth time, thus, a feat to remember… and the wind whispered in my ear, “How much light can you take before the sun sets once again in the wheel of time”?…

When I woke up inside my dream this morning, I remembered a timeless dream between now and then, when all I had and all I was, seemed to evanesce into the nakedness of the primordial nothingness, and yet in that nakedness, I never felt more dressed and adorned and alive…

When I woke up inside my dream this morning, I remembered what once was, what was not and what is yet to be, yet, held in the formless sound compass of the heart which can only sing its thoughts, words and deeds…

When I woke up inside my dream this morning, I felt rich beyond any limit, yet all I had was an unstoppable, unchanging, and unshakable smile that crossed my face from ear to ear…
When I woke up inside my dream this morning, I felt surrendered, like the tall blade of grass swaying in the wind, never threatened by the changes in the thrust of its caress…

When I woke up inside my dream this morning, I felt beautiful like the orchid that depends on the tree’s eternal kiss…
When I woke up inside my dream this morning, I was rapture, I was bliss…”

 Fierce Love 


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